1. All sales are final and non-refundable. There is no refund period, and no refunds will be issued under any circumstances.

  2. You must complete a questionnaire about your business in order for Webmakr.io to create your business website. If you have not completed the questionnaire, you will not receive a business website.

  3. Subject to clause 4 of this Refund Policy, you are ineligible for a refund, irrespective of whether you have completed the questionnaire and/or received the business website. Failure to complete the questionnaire required for Webmakr.io to build the business website does not entitle you to a refund.

  4. If Webmakr.io has not delivered the website within 20 days of your completing the questionnaire, then Webmakr.io will give you a full refund.

Last updated on 30 November 2023.